Akito, cherished by flower designers, is renowned for its unparalleled elegance and the pristine beauty of its nearly optic-white petals. Its pure white colour makes it a splendid choice for weddings, symbolising purity, innocence, and new beginnings.
Furthermore, this remarkable rose boasts an extended vase life, making it ideal for longer occasions and events. Its longevity ensures that the blooms retain their freshness and beauty throughout the celebration, allowing for maximum enjoyment and appreciation.
Whether it's gracing bridal bouquets, adorning reception tables, or enhancing floral decorations, Akito's radiant white blossoms exude a sense of refinement and elegance that perfectly complements the atmosphere of joyous and momentous occasions.
Colour: White
Average Bud Size: Medium
Scent Intensity: None
Vase Life: 6 - 8 Days